Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fat grafting for contour deformity

Fat grafting has become a popular procedure to improve aesthetic outcome following breast reconstruction or for improvement of contour after lumpectomy.  Much of the newest research has investigated the properties of fat, in terms of its stem cell properties and associated advantages.

At our Breast Reconstruction Center, we have utilizing this technique almost routinely to maximize the aesthetic outcomes after lumpectomy or mastectomy.  We have refined the micro-fat grafting technique, and have been obtaining maximal fat graft survival into the breast.  After harvesting of the fat from areas with excess fat, usually the belly, hips, or thighs, the fat is processed and injected back into the breast using the aforementioned techniques.  Our patients have been very happy with the results as well as the areas where the liposuction was performed.  Contour has been much improved using the micro-fat grafting technique, and the downtime is minimal.

Fat grafting has become a mainstay in breast reconstruction and has added another edge to breast reconstruction for aesthetics with minimal morbidity and complications.